Partner comments

«Karin takes on new challenges, thinks outside the box and combines different aspects. Her work is characterised by a bunch of ideas, which she pursues tenaciously and presents solutions. Karin reacts very flexibly to the client's requirements and communicates proactively about the milestones achieved.»

Miguel Zahner, Specialist in Protection Forest, Agriculture and Forestry Service lawa, Canton Lucerne

«Karin Hilfiker manages the project to create R RTE 20913 regulation competently and with commitment. In doing so, she takes into account the different requirements of the railways, with the aim of achieving a common consensus when using the vegetation profiles. She is proactive, analyses problems in an integrated way thanks to her broad expertise, and delivers according to schedule.»

Senta Haldimann, Dr Bau-Ing. ETH (civil engineering), Project Manager for Railway Technology, Association of Public Transport

«What I particularly appreciate about Karin Hilfiker is her openness to new ideas and the way she provides constructive criticism, which always leads to better results on projects. Reliability and precision in her work are two other strengths of Karin that I have noticed on joint projects.»

Dr Stefan Suter CEO WildLife Solutions WLS.CH

Waldstudio GmbH projects

Updating the ASTRA documentation 89009 on protection forest management 

Developper support, February 2024 – April 2025

Federal Roads Offices FEDRO

Providing technical support for the revision of the FEDRO document on protection forest management and reporting as well as subsequently for drafting of  service agreements with the cantons. 

R RTE 20913 profile of vegetation

Project management and support, September 2022 - April 2025

Association of Public Transport

Drafting the R RTE 20913 regulations for Swiss railways regarding woodland vegetation along railways, along with representatives of various Swiss railway companies.

Ecological upgrading project SOB Biberbrugg

Consulting,  December 2023 – January 2024

Swiss South-Eastern Railway SA (SOB)

Assessing ecological upgrading measures of a SOB own surface in Biberbrugg.

Charta Forest Soil Protection

Co-project management, September 2023 – December 2023

Forestry Service of both Basel

Developping a project proposal for a Forest Soil Protection Charta as well as a common attitude of dealing with forest soil in the Cantons Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft. 


Potential study: CO2 storage capacity of biochar

Project management, May - December 2023

Project partner: Gasser Miesch GmbH

Agriculture and Forestry Service lawa, Canton Lucerne

Determining the potential of CO2 storage capacity of biochar for agriculture, road construction, civil engineering and technosoils (sponge city) in the Canton Lucern on the basis of a study.

Projects as a client / employee

Nature strategy of the Swiss Federal Railway SBB

Joint project management, 2019-2022

Collaboration with the contractors Hintermann & Weber AG and Markus Zils GmbH

Developing vision and fields of action in the area of nature in workshops with SBB cross-divisional stakeholders and preparing them for management.

Identifying the vitality of trees using satellite data

Joint project management, 2020-2022

Collaboration with overstory as contractor and the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape WLS, the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL and 14 cantonal forest services as support group

With SBB Drone Center of Excellence and overstory, test the potential of an early detection system for trees with declining vitality using satellite data and a deep learning model: identifying pilot areas, forming partnerships, validating vitality maps of trees with declining vitality in the field, and securing funding for the innovation project. Knowledge transfer report (in German)

First installation of rail track amphibian passages

Project management, 2020-2022

Collaboration with the coordination office for amphibian and reptile protection in Switzerland (KARCH), as well as ProRail and KambaBV from the Netherlands

Checking the suitability of the Dutsch faunapassage with railway experts, coordinating installation with railway track renewal and drawing up a concept for project approval.

Development of a bioacoustic wildlife warning system for the first time on the railway

Project management, 2020-2022

Collaboration with WLS.CH WildLife Solutions as contractor and with Association of Public Transport, the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN and the Swiss South-Eastern Railway SA (SOB) as partners

Test whether collisions with wild animals can be reduced with a bioacoustic wildlife warning system on two railroad sections: clarifying technical and organizational requirements within the project team, SBB traction current managers and cantonal hunting administration, regulating financing with the partners and informing the support group consisting of hunting representatives. Further information can be found at bioacoustic wildlife warning system – WLS

Pilot susainability app

Project management, 2020-2022

Collaboration with IT, marketing and sustainability community of the Swiss Federal Railway SBB and school classes in Bern

Developing an app for courses on various SBB sustainability topics for school classes in order to raise awareness of sustainability among tomorrow's rail customers: Checking customer needs through customer survey and qualitative interviews, developing requirements and a concept with IT and testing the app with school classes on-site.

Impact of the forest on superficial landslides and falling rocks as well as risk reduction on railway systems

Joint project management with Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, 2017-2019

Collaboration with the contractors School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences and geoformer igp AG

Demonstrating the impact of the protection forest to the risk reduction on railway infrastructure and operations as well as its cost-effectiveness: Supporting contractors and involving the forest services of the cantons of Bern, Lucerne and Ticino. Case study for ProtectBio shallow landslides and Case study for ProtectBio rockfalls (in German)

Participation in the evaluation of the SECO timber strategy

Mandate from the NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation, 2012

Answering evaluation questions conducting stakeholder interviews and literature review and defining recommendations.

Community forest project in Namibia

Consulting, 2008-2011

Cooperation with Namibian forest authorities, NGOs and communities

Advising forestry officers to conduct participatory approaches to empower the rural population in northern Namibia to use their natural resources sustainably on their own and generate an income. Synthesis report